Board of Director Nominations


Board Nominations: Closed

The nomination period for the AWRA Board of Directors is closed.

The 2024 Open Positions:

  1. Director (three-year term)
  2. Director (three-year term)

You may nominate yourself or someone else who is an AWRA member.

AWRA seeks strategic thinkers with demonstrated commitment to multidisciplinary management of water resources to serve on the Association's Board of Directors. Numerous studies, our own experiences, and the overall needs of the water resources profession, illustrate the benefits of a diverse leadership team. Candidates representing the rich complexity of our membership and the populations our profession serve, are highly encouraged.

The AWRA Board of Directors shall take measures to address the science, technology, management, development, and planning of water resources; disseminate technical knowledge through publications, meetings, and other means; act upon nominations for Honorary and Fellow membership, and make special awards. It shall direct the investment and care of the future of the Association, make appropriations for specific purposes, designate or authorize the appointive officers and employees of the Association, manage the affairs of the Association in accordance with the Bylaws and generally direct the business of the Association.

Only AWRA members in good-standing with a demonstrated commitment to AWRA may be nominated and elected for board service. Candidates for elected positions must read and agree with the below Statement of Board Member Responsibilities before their nomination can be considered. Nominees will be contacted by the AWRA Leadership, Development, and Recognition Committee.

Statement of Board Member Responsibilities

The AWRA Board of Directors serves as policymakers for the association. Obligations of board service are considerable and extend well beyond the basic expectations of attending meetings. The following is a statement of the individual board member responsibilities:

Each member of the AWRA Board of Directors is charged to serve in the best interest of the entire AWRA membership; to serve as a leader in motivating support for the organization; and to be objective in reviewing policies and procedures focusing on the vision and mission of the organization.

An AWRA Board Member must know the organization's mission, purpose and goals, and provide leadership and stewardship to keep the organization in fiduciary and legal compliance with today's standards.

The Director needs to understand current issues, problems and complexities, and the needs of the membership. The Board of Directors is dedicated to ensuring the stability and the advancement of the profession.

You must be AWRA Member to Serve as an AWRA Board of Director.


Required Attendance:
  1. Understand AWRA’s vision, mission, programs, and operations.
  2. Attend (and fund your own travel) to two in-person board meetings per year – one in the spring and one in November.
  3. Attend all regular virtual Board meetings – generally four per year.
  4. Provide professional counsel and guidance.
Financial Oversight:
  1. Understand the role of the Chief Staff Executive in the management of the Association.
  2. Make an annual cash contribution to AWRA (contributing according to individual ability).
  3. Understand the financial aspects of the association and exercise prudence.
  4. Support and defend all policies and programs adopted by the AWRA Board of Directors.
  5. Assist in fundraising activities and/or seeking sponsorships/donations.
  6. Assist AWRA in planning its budget and programmatic goals.
Outreach and Membership:
  1. Serve as an active advocate for AWRA including outreach and partnership building.
  2. Provide, as needed, volunteer support, which may include planning or supporting conferences, workshops, technical trips, or other events/activities.
  3. Assist with recruiting, orienting, and developing AWRA board members.
  4. Recruit AWRA members and new board members.
  5. Identify and encourage emerging leaders.
  6. Participate in State Section/Student Chapter activities.
AWRA Technical Committees and Participation:
  1. Join an AWRA Technical Committee for the duration of your board term.
  2. Assume committee liaison responsibilities, attend meetings, and demonstrate Board of Director involvement.
  3. Attend and participate in AWRA programs.
  4. Use individual resources and expertise to aid the goals of AWRA.


If you actively engage in our community, your career and organization will benefit. We offer multiple opportunities for engagement via conferences, social media, webinars, committees and publications.

TEL • (540) 687-8390 | FAX • (540) 687-8395


The majority of images on our website were donated by Gary Whitton at