Blog #10 | 2024

Preparing Your Supplementary Material: A Step Towards Comprehensive Research


A crucial aspect of publishing in the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) is preparing supplementary material. As we delve into this often-underutilized resource, we will explore its significance, various types that can enhance your paper, guidelines on preparation, and examples showcasing effective use.

The Role of Supplementary Material in JAWRA Papers

Supplementary material serves as an extension of your main paper, offering readers additional information that complements and enhances the understanding of your research. JAWRA recognizes the importance of providing a comprehensive view of your work, and supplementary material is the key to achieving this depth.

Types of Supplementary Material

Additional Data:
  • Raw data sets, tables, and figures that support your main findings.
  • Detailed statistical analyses and calculations.
Methodology Details:
  • In-depth descriptions of experimental procedures.
  • Supplementary figures or tables illustrating specific methods.
Extended Results:
  • Additional results that are relevant but not essential to the main narrative.
  • Supporting evidence, graphs, or charts.
Visual Enhancements:
  • Maps, images, or multimedia content that aids in visualizing complex concepts.
  • Animations or simulations related to your study.

Guidelines on Preparing and Submitting Supplementary Content

Relevance and Complementarity:
  • Ensure that supplementary material directly enhances the content of your main paper.
  • Avoid including information that could confuse or distract readers from the core message.
Organization and Labeling:
  • Clearly label each supplementary file with descriptive titles.
  • Arrange supplementary material in a logical order corresponding to its relevance to the main paper.
File Formats and Size:
  • Follow JAWRA's guidelines for acceptable file formats.
  • Keep file sizes reasonable for easy downloading and accessibility.
  • Cross-reference supplementary material in the main text.
  • Clearly indicate where readers can find additional content to enhance their understanding.

Examples of Effective Use of Supplementary Material

Example 1:
  • Supplementary Figure: Caption: Supplementary Figure S1 - Spatial distribution of groundwater nitrate concentrations. This supplementary figure provides a detailed map illustrating the regional variability of nitrate concentrations mentioned in the main text.
Example 2:
  • Supplementary Table

Site        Nitrate Concentration (mg/L)
A            5.2
B            8.7
Caption: Supplementary Table S1 - Detailed nitrate concentration data for each monitoring site. This table offers a comprehensive breakdown of site-specific data referenced in the main paper.

These examples demonstrate how supplementary material can augment the reader's understanding by providing additional visuals and detailed data beyond the constraints of the main paper.


In conclusion, preparing supplementary material is a valuable step toward presenting comprehensive and nuanced research in JAWRA. By carefully selecting, organizing, and cross-referencing supplementary content, you not only enhance the depth of your paper but also provide readers with a richer context for your findings. Remember, comprehensive research leaves a lasting impact, and supplementary material is your tool to achieve just that. Good luck in creating a paper that resonates with the water resource community and contributes to the ongoing dialogue in the field.

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