Blog #9 | 2023

Discussion and Conclusion: Key Elements of a JAWRA Paper

Introduction: Unveiling the Heart of Your Research: Crafting Effective Discussion and Conclusion Sections in Your JAWRA Paper

In this blog, we will unravel the key elements of crafting impactful discussion and conclusion sections for your Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) paper. These sections are more than mere formalities; they constitute the heart of your research, providing a platform to interpret your findings, contextualize them within the broader field, and leave a lasting impression. Let's dive into the significance of these sections, tips on structuring a meaningful discussion, and how to provide a strong conclusion that ties up your research.

The Significance of Discussion and Conclusion Sections

Interpretation and Synthesis:
  • Discussion: This section is where you interpret your results, comparing and contrasting them with existing literature.
  • Conclusion: It's the grand finale, summarizing your key findings and their broader implications.
Contributions to the Field:
  • Discussion: Articulate how your research contributes to existing knowledge, addressing gaps or confirming/refuting prior studies.
  • Conclusion: Emphasize the broader impact of your work on the field of water resources.
Setting the Stage for Future Research:
  • Discussion: Suggest avenues for further exploration and research directions.
  • Conclusion: Reinforce the significance of your study and its potential influence on future investigations.

Tips on Structuring a Meaningful Discussion

Organize Your Thoughts:
  • Clearly present your findings before delving into interpretation.
  • Follow a logical sequence that mirrors the order of your results.
Comparison and Contrast:
  • Compare your results with existing literature.
  • Highlight similarities and differences, providing context for readers.
Address Limitations:
  • Acknowledge any limitations in your study.
  • Offer insights into how these limitations may have influenced your results.
Connect to Research Objectives:
  • Relate your discussion back to the objectives set in your introduction.
  • Demonstrate how your study successfully addressed these objectives.

Providing a Strong Conclusion

Summarize Key Findings:
  • Provide a concise summary of your main results.
  • Reinforce the significance of each finding within the context of your research question.
Highlight Contributions:
  • Emphasize the unique contributions of your study to the water resources field.
  • Clearly state how your research fills gaps or advances existing knowledge.
Avoid New Information:
  • Resist the temptation to introduce new data or insights.
  • Keep your conclusion focused on summarizing and reinforcing your existing findings.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  • Discussion: Avoid making broad claims unsupported by your data.
  • Conclusion: Steer clear of overgeneralizing the significance of your study.
Abrupt Endings:
  • Discussion: Ensure a smooth transition into the conclusion.
  • Conclusion: Avoid abrupt endings; provide closure for the reader.
  • Discussion: Do not repeat information already presented in the results.
  • Conclusion: Avoid rehashing points made earlier in the paper.


In conclusion, the discussion and conclusion sections of your JAWRA paper are not merely the final chapters; they are the lasting impressions you leave on your readers. By organizing your thoughts, emphasizing contributions, and avoiding common pitfalls, you can create discussion and conclusion sections that elevate the impact of your research in the water resources community. As you wrap up your paper, remember, it's not just the end of a study but the beginning of a conversation that contributes to the ongoing narrative of water resources research.


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